var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][win][lose][lose][lose][win]','ar':'[win][lose][draw][win][draw][win]','hh':'[win][win][lose][lose][lose][win]','ah':'[win][lose][lose][win][lose][win]','p':'Western Sydney Wanderers','cf':'★★★★','rm':'4 win(s) 2 draw(s) 4 lose(s)','ct':'Western Sydney Wanderers started the new season with 2 wins and 2 draws, as well as perfect performances on both ends. Facing against Sydney FC with unstable defensive performance, Western Sydney Wanderers are going to get all 3 points. In addition, Western Sydney Wanderers have won the last two away games against Sydney FC with 5 goals scored and 1 goal conceded.'}