var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][lose][lose][draw][draw]','ar':'[lose][draw][win][draw][win][draw]','hh':'[win][win][lose][lose][win][win]','ah':'[lose][lose][win][draw][win][draw]','p':'Atalanta','cf':'★★★★','rm':'4 win(s) 1 draw(s) 5 lose(s)','ct':'This season in Serie A, Atalanta have secured an impressive 31 points from 14 home games, showcasing their strong ability to gather points at home and placing them at the top of the league in terms of home performance. Facing Fiorentina, whose away win rate is as low as 28.57%, Atalanta definitely have a greater chance of winning. It is worth mentioning that in their most recent encounter at Atalanta\'s home ground, the home team emerged victorious with 1-0.'}