var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][win][lose][win][win][draw]','ar':'[draw][win][lose][lose][draw][lose]','hh':'[lose][win][lose][win][win][lose]','ah':'[lose][win][lose][lose][win][lose]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★','rm':'5 win(s) 2 draw(s) 3 lose(s)','ct':'AC Milan with unstable performances in the league lately got 1 win, 1 draw, and 1 loss in the last 3 rounds, scoring over 2 goals per game. Unfortunately, the Red and Blacks are on a 3-game losing streak against US Sassuolo Calcio, conceding over 3 goals per game. Thus, AC Milan should aim to get a draw at least in this round.'}