var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][win][win][draw][win][draw]','ar':'[win][lose][lose][lose][draw][draw]','hh':'[win][draw][win][win][win][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][win][lose][win][win]','p':'Liverpool','cf':'★★★★★','rm':'7 win(s) 1 draw(s) 1 lose(s)','ct':'In their last game, Sheffield United conceded two goals late in the match, resulting in a disappointing draw. This outcome has significantly dampened the morale of the team. Furthermore, Sheffield United have suffered defeat in all of their last 6 encounters against Liverpool, with 1 goal scored and 13 goals conceded in total. Given these circumstances, the Blades, lacking any capital for victory, are bound to face defeat in their upcoming match.'}