var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][draw][draw][lose][lose][lose]','ar':'[draw][win][lose][lose][win][lose]','hh':'[lose][draw][draw][lose][lose][lose]','ah':'[win][win][lose][lose][win][lose]','p':'Brentford','cf':'★★★★','rm':'2 win(s) 0 draw(s) 5 lose(s)','ct':'Since 2024, West Ham United have seriously declining performances, including 3 draws and 3 losses in 6 EPL games, without a goal scored in 4 of them. The Hammers\' fans have already expressed their dissatisfaction with manager David Moyes by displaying "OUT" signs. Thus, West Ham United, who are in big trouble, should not be overestimated in this game. Besides, West Ham United lost the previous 5 encounters against Brentford in the EPL, with an inferior mentality.'}