var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][lose][win][lose][lose][win]','ar':'[draw][lose][win][win][lose][lose]','hh':'[lose][lose][win][lose][lose][win]','ah':'[win][lose][win][win][lose][lose]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★','rm':'3 win(s) 3 draw(s) 4 lose(s)','ct':'Both teams are in danger of relegation, but Coritiba (PR) are in worse condition, falling too many points behind the safe zone. Besides, it is one of only two teams to concede more than 2 goals per game on average so far this season, which reveals their terrible defense. Facing against Cruzeiro (MG), who are also under the pressure of fighting against relegation, Coritiba (PR) could get no more than 1 point in this battle between underdogs.'}