var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[勝][分][勝][勝][勝][勝]','ar':'[勝][分][勝][勝][勝][勝]','hh':'[勝][敗][勝][勝][勝][敗]','ah':'[勝][分][敗][勝][勝][敗]','p':'パリ・サンジェルマンFC','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3勝 3分 4敗','ct':'After enduring the challenges of the "Group of Death," Paris Saint-Germain advanced to the Round of 16 with two victories, showcasing their resilience. Furthermore, in the current tournament, they have secured three wins and one draw in four home matches, remaining undefeated. Among these victories, they have achieved three clean sheets, highlighting their formidable home prowess. Therefore, PSG\'s performance in the first leg is trustworthy.'}