var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[勝][敗][分][敗][分][勝]','ar':'[勝][勝][勝][敗][分][勝]','hh':'[勝][敗][敗][敗][勝][勝]','ah':'[勝][勝][敗][敗][敗][勝]','p':'分','cf':'★★★','rm':'4勝 4分 2敗','ct':'Wellington Phoenix did not play as well as Brisbane Roar FC in the first two rounds. However, the formers got 2 wins and 1 draw in both sides\' last 3 meetings, keeping unbeaten at home in 8 encounters, with 3 wins and 5 draws. So Wellington Phoenix are expected to keep unbeaten in this match.'}