var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[敗][敗][敗][分][敗][分]','ar':'[敗][敗][勝][分][分][勝]','hh':'[敗][敗][分][敗][勝]','ah':'[勝][敗][勝]','p':'アル・フェイハ','cf':'★★★★','rm':'0勝 0分 1敗','ct':'Al-Feiha received 1 win and 1 loss in previous two group games at home. The loss against tough Al Ain was not due to their performance. However, they scored 2 goals in both home games, which reveals their reliable attack fire at home. Facing against FC Ahal, who conceded 7 goals in previous two group games away from home, Al-Feiha will be able to get revenge.'}