var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][win][lose][draw][draw][draw]','ar':'[draw][lose][win][draw][lose][win]','hh':'[lose][win][win][draw][lose][win]','ah':'[win][lose][win][win][lose][win]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3 win(s) 4 draw(s) 0 lose(s)','ct':'US Sassuolo Calcio received 3 consecutive draws in the league, and the biggest problem is their unstable defense, conceding 2 goals per game on average. Fortunately, Lecce\'s away performances are poor this season, with only 1 win but 9 losses in 16 away games. Neither team has the confidence to win this game, so a draw is the most likely result.'}