var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[分][分][勝][勝][敗][勝]','ar':'[敗][敗][分][分][勝][勝]','hh':'[勝][敗][勝][勝][敗][勝]','ah':'[敗][敗][勝][勝][勝][勝]','p':'分','cf':'★★★','rm':'0勝 1分 0敗','ct':'Cagliari are good in recent form, with 2 wins and 2 draws in the last 4 rounds. They have been in a winning streak. However, Cagliari are not competitive enough on away field this season, winning 1 and losing 9 of their last 14 games. So Cagliari should aim to keep unbeaten in this away game.'}