var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[分][敗][敗][分][勝][敗]','ar':'[勝][勝][勝][分][敗][敗]','hh':'[敗][敗][敗][敗][敗][敗]','ah':'[勝][勝][勝][勝][敗][敗]','p':'ユヴェントスFC','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3勝 5分 2敗','ct':'Juventus lost to Napoli last round, thus extending the gap between the leaders to double digits. Therefore, Juventus, who are full of grievances and eager for points, will be in strong morale. This round at home, Juventus are determined to get back on track with a win against Atalanta, who have lost 2 of their 3 consecutive games without a win (scored 2 goals and conceded 7 goals, poor performances on both ends).'}