var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[分][分][分][勝][勝][分]','ar':'[勝][分][勝][勝][勝][勝]','hh':'[勝][勝][分][勝][勝][分]','ah':'[勝][勝][勝][勝][勝][勝]','p':'アタランタ BC','cf':'★★★★','rm':'1勝 4分 5敗','ct':'Atalanta achieved 6 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in the last 8 rounds of the league, which has put the team in the top 4 of the league table. Besides, they have scored 1.82 goals per game on average so far, second only to Milan Duo, which reveals the strong competitiveness of the team. With superior H2H records, Atalanta will be able to take 3 points in this game.'}