var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[勝][分][敗][分][敗][勝]','ar':'[勝][敗][分][敗][勝][敗]','hh':'[勝][敗][敗][敗][敗][勝]','ah':'[勝][敗][勝][敗][勝][勝]','p':'メンヒェングラートバッハ','cf':'★★★★','rm':'5勝 2分 3敗','ct':'Augsburg only won over Eintracht Frankfurt in 8 league games since November last year, with 4 draws and 3 losses in the rest of the seven. Besides, they lost 3 of the previous 4 rounds and conceded goals in each game this season, getting only 1 win on the road. Thus, the team being not good at away games with poor defense are doomed to lose this game on the road.'}