var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[敗][勝][分][敗][分][敗]','ar':'[勝][勝][勝][分][敗][勝]','hh':'[敗][勝][敗][敗][敗][敗]','ah':'[勝][勝][勝][勝][敗][勝]','p':'分','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3勝 2分 5敗','ct':'Top striker Serhou Guirassy\'s departure for the Africa Cup of Nations must give a huge blow to VfB Stuttgart. What\'s worse, they were defeated in 2 of the last 3 Bundesliga games away from home without scoring a goal. Thus, VfB Stuttgart could only try to maintain unbeaten on this trip to Monchengladbach.'}