var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[勝][分][勝][敗][勝][勝]','ar':'[分][分][分][敗][分][敗]','hh':'[勝][敗][敗][敗][勝][勝]','ah':'[勝][勝][敗][敗][敗][敗]','p':'アトレティコ・マドリード','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3勝 3分 4敗','ct':'The gap between the two teams is huge. Atletico Madrid won more and lost less of late, and have been in a winning streak, with strong attacking power. On the other hand, Mallorca were winless of late and failed to score in 3 games in a row. So Atletico Madrid are expected to win at home.'}