var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[draw][win][draw][win][win][draw]','ar':'[lose][win][lose][win][draw][draw]','hh':'[win][lose][lose][win][win][lose]','ah':'[lose][win][lose][win][win][lose]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★★','rm':'1 win(s) 5 draw(s) 4 lose(s)','ct':'Manchester United\'s last game ended in a disappointing draw against Brentford, where they allowed a staggering 31 shots and trailed 4-14 in corner kicks. Chelsea FC, on the other hand, also faced a setback in their previous match, being held to a draw by the feeble Burnley despite having one more man on the pitch. Additionally, the Blues have failed to secure a victory in their last 7 home matches against the Red Devils across all competitions. With both teams lacking the confidence, a hard-fought draw seems inevitable.'}