var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[分][敗][勝][勝][分][分]','ar':'[敗][敗][敗][勝][敗][勝]','hh':'[敗][敗][敗][勝][分][勝]','ah':'[敗][敗][敗][勝][敗][勝]','p':'アストン・ヴィラ','cf':'★★★★','rm':'4勝 3分 3敗','ct':'Under Unai Emery\'s good leadership, Aston Villa put up excellent performance this season and keep unbeaten in this Premier League so far, with 9 wins and 1 draw in 10 games. Besides, they have the best home power in the Premier League currently. Thus, Aston Villa are bound to win this home game.'}