var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[分][勝][勝][分][勝][分]','ar':'[敗][勝][敗][分][敗][勝]','hh':'[敗][勝][勝][敗][勝][敗]','ah':'[敗][勝][敗][勝][敗][勝]','p':'アストン・ヴィラ','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3勝 5分 2敗','ct':'Although Aston Villa failed to beat Sheffield United in the last game and continued their all wins at home, their home strength is still among the best in the Premier League, with a high win rate of 88.89%. Besides, they took all 3 points at Villa Park stadium against strong teams Manchester City and Arsenal. In contrast, Burnley have a win rate of only over 20% on the road this season and their rivals losing to them were in the lower half of the table. Furthermore, Aston Villa won 3-1 in the first encounter between both sides. Thus, the home team with all kinds of advantages are able to win this game easily.'}