var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[勝][敗][勝][勝][分][敗]','ar':'[分][敗][勝][勝][分][敗]','hh':'[勝][敗][敗][勝][分][敗]','ah':'[勝][敗][敗][勝][勝][敗]','p':'分','cf':'★★★','rm':'4勝 5分 1敗','ct':'Chelsea FC are still in the middle and suffered a crushing loss on the road in the league before, conceding 1.5 goals per game on away soil with unstable defense. Manchester United lost to Newcastle in the last league game and ended their 3-game winning streak in the league, which affected their players\' confidence. Besides, both comparable sides drew 5 of their last 10 encounters with each other. Thus, they are likely to get a draw in this game.'}