var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[敗][勝][勝][勝][分][勝]','ar':'[敗][敗][敗][勝][分][敗]','hh':'[敗][勝][勝][勝][敗][勝]','ah':'[敗][敗][敗][勝][敗][敗]','p':'ヴィッセル神戸','cf':'★★★★','rm':'2勝 3分 5敗','ct':'Vissel Kobe acheived 4 wins and 1 draw in the last 5 rounds, leading in the title race. Besides, playing at home gives them a lot of confidence, and their home win rate this season is up to 62.5%. Facing against off-colour Nagoya Grampus Eight this time, Vissel Kobe vow to get all 3 points.'}