var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][lose][win][win][lose]','ar':'[lose][win][draw][win][draw][win]','hh':'[win][win][lose][win][draw][lose]','ah':'[win][win][lose][win][lose][win]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★','rm':'4 win(s) 0 draw(s) 6 lose(s)','ct':'Lyonnais have got 4 wins, 2 draws, 1 defeat in the lat 7 league games and the only defeat was against tough PSG. OGC Nice, however, achieved 2 wins and 2 draws at home this season, with 2 goals scored per game. They earned the same points as Lyonnais with a game in hand. Both of them are trying to win this game so it\'s likely for them to play a nervous draw.'}