var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[draw][draw][lose][lose][win][lose]','ar':'[lose][lose][win][lose][win][draw]','hh':'[win][lose][lose][lose][win][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][win][lose]','p':'US Sassuolo Calcio','cf':'★★★★','rm':'3 win(s) 4 draw(s) 3 lose(s)','ct':'There is a huge gap in both sides\' development in the past few seasons. Sassuolo have made great progress in recent years, and they are only 2 positions below the UEL zone last season. With better quality, Sassuolo are more likely to win this match. Besides, there have been 3 or more goals scored in 29 Sassuolo games last season, which is the joint 2nd most in Serie A. So this match is expected to end with an OVER.'}