var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][win][draw][draw][lose][draw]','ar':'[lose][win][draw][lose][win][win]','hh':'[lose][win][draw][lose][lose][win]','ah':'[lose][win][lose][win][win][win]','p':'Arsenal','cf':'★★★★','rm':'1 win(s) 1 draw(s) 8 lose(s)','ct':'Arsenal grabbed successive wins in two competitions recently. They eliminated Portugal Primera Liga giants SL Benfica in Europa League and won over top three team Leicester City in the league as well, with 3 goals scored per match. Stars Aubameyang, Alexandre Lacazette and Nicolas Pepe have contributed their effort, starting to be offensive. Facing against mediocre Burnley this round, Arsenal vow to continue their good momentum with a win.'}