var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[lose][win][lose][lose][lose][draw]','ar':'[draw][draw][win][draw][draw][draw]','hh':'[lose][win][lose][lose][lose][draw]','ah':'[lose][lose][win][lose][lose][draw]','p':'Chelsea FC','cf':'★★★★','rm':'1 win(s) 3 draw(s) 6 lose(s)','ct':'Burnley\'s performance in this season is obviously not as good as Chelsea\'s, and Burnley has lost as many as four games in the last five games against Chelsea, so of course, Chelsea, whose strength is obviously better, is optimistic to win. It\'s also worth noting that of the last six games between the two teams, the total number of goals scored at least three, and there are four games that have reached four goals or more, which is time for the goal feast.'}