var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][win][win][win][win][lose]','ar':'[lose][lose][lose][draw][lose][draw]','hh':'[lose][win][draw][win][win][lose]','ah':'[lose][lose][lose][win][lose][win]','p':'Paris Saint-Germain','cf':'★★★★★','rm':'9 win(s) 0 draw(s) 1 lose(s)','ct':'After the return of many of the main players, Paris Saint-Germain has achieved great achievements in the league in five consecutive wins. Among them, there have been as many as four games end in half win/full win. What is even more encouraging is that the former has won 11 wins and 1 loss against Dijon in the past 12 competitions, and has not fallen behind at the end of half-time. Today\'s home team\'s half wins/full wins deserve attention.'}