var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][lose][lose][lose][win]','ar':'[win][draw][draw][lose][draw][win]','hh':'[win][lose][draw][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][lose]','p':'AC Milan','cf':'★★★★','rm':'4 win(s) 2 draw(s) 4 lose(s)','ct':'After the return of Ibrahimovic to AC Milan, the team continued to improve their form and they returned to winning ways by beating their opponents last season. Visiting mediocre Fiorentina, AC Milan should earn our favor. In addition to Ibrahimovic, Rebic has also been in excellent form recently, the latter has been the first player to score in the last 3 games. He is expected to become the first player to score again here.'}