var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][lose][draw][win][draw]','ar':'[draw][lose][win][lose][lose][draw]','hh':'[win][win][lose][win][win][win]','ah':'[lose][lose][draw][lose][win][win]','p':'Parma Calcio 1913','cf':'★★★★','rm':'2 win(s) 2 draw(s) 6 lose(s)','ct':'Parma Calcio 1913 won 4 of their last 5 home league games, during which striker Cornelius has scored a total of 5 goals. On the other hand, AC Milan\'s away lose rate in the league this season is up to 66.67%, and only 3 players have away goals. So Parma Calcio 1913 should earn our favor in this round.'}