var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][lose][draw][win][draw][lose]','ar':'[lose][lose][lose][win][win][lose]','hh':'[win][lose][win][win][win][lose]','ah':'[lose][lose][lose][win][draw][lose]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★','rm':'2 win(s) 2 draw(s) 6 lose(s)','ct':'SC Freiburg kept unbeaten in the last 4 league games at home with 2 wins and 2 draws, which reveals their reliable performance. However, VfL Wolfsburg\'s losing rate has dropped to about 10% so far and their away win rate is only 50%, which reveals their strong ability. Moreover, both sides have drawn the last encounter, so it\'s likely for them to play a nervous draw. During the last 4 encounters, they ended 3 of them with 4 or over 4 goals.'}