var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][draw][draw][win][draw]','ar':'[win][lose][win][win][draw][win]','hh':'[win][draw][lose][lose][win][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][win][win][lose][win]','p':'Draw','cf':'★★★','rm':'9 win(s) 0 draw(s) 1 lose(s)','ct':'Borussia Dortmund drawn 4 of their last 5 games in all competitions without enough winning strength. Fortunately, they won 9 of their last 10 encounters against Monchengladbach as the superior side. Besides, they possess the home field advantage. Thus Borussia Dortmund are likely to draw this home game against the in-form Monchengladbach. In addition, Borussia Dortmund scored goals in half time out of their last 4 games in all competitions. It\'s obvious that they get into form quickly in games.'}