var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][draw][lose][lose][win][win]','ar':'[win][win][draw][win][win][lose]','hh':'[win][lose][lose][lose][win][win]','ah':'[lose][win][win][win][win][lose]','p':'RB Leipzig','cf':'★★★★','rm':'1 win(s) 1 draw(s) 4 lose(s)','ct':'Both sides\' overall performance has been impressive so far in the league, and they are both in Champions League. However, RB Leipzig took 4 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in their last 6 face-offs against Bayer Leverkusen with 5 wins in payout as the better side since their promotion. Therefore Bayer Leverkusen may win this game but lose it in AH even with the home field advantage.'}