var gamePrediction = {'hr':'[win][win][win][lose][draw][lose]','ar':'[win][draw][lose][lose][lose][draw]','hh':'[win][win][win][lose][win][lose]','ah':'[win][lose][lose][lose][lose][win]','p':'Shimizu S-Pulse','cf':'★★★★','rm':'5 win(s) 3 draw(s) 2 lose(s)','ct':'Nagoya Grampus Eight are much different from their performances early in the season as they won only 1 of the last 14 rounds. Moreover, Nagoya Grampus Eight have been winless in 5 games among all events of late. So Nagoya Grampus Eight might be in danger. Both teams ended 5 of the last 6 encounters with at least 3 goals in total so we\'d better go for the favorites.'}